A small cinema has as much overhead as a larger multi screen cinema. Organising film with distributors, doing promotion, handling KDMs and DCP hard drives. Running a website with up to date Poster graphics/video/Trailer and movie detail.
D-Cine understand this and is here to help by offering SaaS (Software as a service) offerings to Small Cinema Owners – SCO (www.smallcinemaowners.com.au) members. As a group, we can help each other by combining resources. Saving a small cinema owner 4-8 hours per week in time and other costs. Time that can be better spend working with your community and improving the offerings of your cinema.
Thankfully we have members of SCO who have built solutions for there own small cinema that answer these needs. Over the coming year, we have a commitment to bring these SaaS tool to the wider SCO community.
These tools include:
- D-Cine Agent : The D-Cine agent is a small secured agent process that runs on a windows system. The purpose of the agent is to implement a zero-configuration install process that allows the D-Cine services to work with your projection network. This is done in the most secure way possible. D-Cine does not have remote access to your projection network, the Agent runs is a proxy, only passing on commands that archives the services required. Note: This is a prerequisite for AutoKDM and AutoDelivery.
- AutoKDM : Automatically ingests KDMs into your projectors as soon as the email arrives in you eMail box.
- AutoPoster : Automatically displays posters based on your future schedule. No downloading graphics or printing/updating poster boxes.
- AutoDelivery : No more DCP hard drives to deal with. Just go to the projector, select the global DCP source folder, select Movie CPL and ingest.
- CSD-JSON : Working with other industry partners, D-Cine is involved in developing a new industry standard for sharing Cinema Session Data. (CSD). Designed to help make different services providers interoperable. D-Cine.net sees this as a key API used by many of its services.
- WordPress-Sessions-Times : A WordPress plugin that automatically updates and displays upcoming session on your website.
- Free DCP Quality Control Tool: This tool checks your DCP has all the right attributes for distribution to the theatrical network. From online Audio sound levels, bitrate and conformance the DCP requirements, this tool has you covered.
- Free Library Management System (LMS), cinema-catcher-app, now available to any cinema with no obligation.